It was brought to my attention that my empty GWT tables were displaying "1-1 of 0" for my SimplePager display. This was not my code, but was coming from Googles GWT pager implementation. A web search showed this was an issue that a lot of folks were complaining about.
To be fair, there's no data in the table, and it clearly says "0" items. Some web searches showed solutions about overriding GWT code and reimplementing the counter mechanisms. That led me on my way to a solution. If my table was empty, I want to display my own text, something like "0 of 0", otherwise, I want to let GWT do the calculation.
The solution was to create my own class that extends the GWT SimplePager and then override the createText() method that displays the counter information:
public class MyPager extends SimplePager
public MyPager(final TextLocation center, final Resources pagerResources, final boolean showFastForwardButton,
final int fastForwardRows, final boolean showLastPageButton)
super(center, pagerResources, showFastForwardButton, fastForwardRows, showLastPageButton);
// Bug with pager that says 1-1 of 0 when the list is empty. fix it to say 0 of 0.
protected String createText()
final HasRows display = getDisplay();
final int dataSize = display.getRowCount();
if (dataSize == 0)
return "0 of 0";
return super.createText();
Then just use this new pager for my table:
MyPager pager = new MyPager(SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER, pagerResources, false, 0, true);
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